

Nichols School 多样性、公平和包容 Mission Statement, Adopted March 2020

Nichols School commits to being a courageous 社区, 以过程和结果的公平为基础, 在那里,我们都能安全、真实地做自己,从而接受集体成长的挑战.  



  • 多样性


    尼科尔斯学院欢迎差异,并重视我们社区中个人的充分参与,这些差异包括但不限于年龄, 种族, 家庭组成, 性别认同与表达, 学习能力, 体能, 比赛, 宗教, 性取向, 社会经济地位. 
  • 股本

    股本 is achieved by meeting the needs of individuals, 确保每个人都能获得资源, support and opportunities they need to be successful. 

    尼科尔斯学院致力于通过承认和积极挑战偏见,为所有人提供公平公正的机会, 骚扰, 和歧视.
  • 包容

    An inclusive environment is one w在这里 differences are welcomed, every person feels an authentic sense of belonging, 和思想, 的想法, 所有人的观点都很重要.
  • 归属感


Strategic Vision for Achieving 多样性、公平和包容


  • 学生

    All Nichols students will have access to opportunities and customized support. 这可以培养他们的情商, 创造一种真实的认同感, and allows them to grow to their full academic potential.
  • 教职员工

    所有尼科尔斯的教职员工都将精通文化响应专业实践, 股权文化, 促进反种族主义政策和行为.
  • 机构

    十大网投网站排行榜将举行欢迎仪式, 越来越多样化的社区,优先考虑所有选区的归属,并支持学生, 教职员工 as they pursue their collective growth.


谢谢 啦啦队的视频纽约大学教育协作组 for helping tell the story of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Nichols School.


近年来, 尼科尔斯的教职员工合作开发了一个尼科尔斯毕业生的肖像. Consistent with the school's mission and DEI statement, 我们渴望所有的学生都能在心灵上成长, 身体和心脏, emb比赛 challenge and discover their unique sense of self.




  • 思考

    思考是吸收的能力, 要理解, and to work with new 的想法 and information that may be different from one's own. Nichols School students learn to 认为 in the following ways:

    • 他们找到, 收集, and interpret information from a broad range of sources and perspectives, including those that have been historically marginalized.
    • They examine and evaluate the origin and content of information and consider its intent, 偏见, 和遗漏.
    • They synthesize information from various sources to develop nuanced understanding.
    • They reflect on their own learning processes to identify new questions, 问题, 以及调查的领域. 

    Nichols students learn to 认为 so they will be prepared - 心, body, 而心——充满好奇心的生活, 深思熟虑的思考, 细致的解释, 独立推理.
  • 沟通

    Communication is the skillful, effective, and respectful exchange of 的想法 with others. 十大网投网站排行榜的学生有机会清晰而尊重地回应他人的想法,从而培养他们的沟通技巧. Nichols students are taught to communicate in the following ways:

    • They seek out and listen actively to a wide variety of opinions and perspectives.
    • 他们通过广泛的媒体和不同的背景,清晰地表达自己的想法,并关注听众.
    • They participate respectfully in open exchange of 的想法.
    • 他们经常写作并收到反馈,并学会为不同的目标受众清晰地表达自己的想法.

    尼科尔斯的学生将做好心理准备, body, 还有心——带着尊重倾听他人, 要有同情心, 并以开放的心态参与辩论.
  • 创建

    Creativity is the ability to imagine and to realize new possibilities. Nichols School students learn to 设想 and act upon answers to questions, 解决问题的方法, 艺术灵感. Nichols students develop creativity in the following ways:

    • They respond critically and imaginatively to existing work, including their own.
    • 他们发现以前被忽视的问题和需要的领域,并以创造性的解决方案作出回应.
    • They develop and underst和ir own creative process.
    • They master the tools and techniques needed to achieve their creative goals.
    • They learn to work collaboratively with others towards common goals.

    尼科尔斯的学生将做好心理准备, body, 和心——为社会增添自己独特的贡献,反思自己的创作过程和创作的影响.
  • 引人入胜的

    参与是指尼科尔斯学院学生与社区和世界的互动. 尼科尔斯的学生在学习积极参与社区活动的过程中变得更加投入. 他们通过以下方式学习成为思想开放、充满好奇心和见多识广的世界公民:

    • 他们培养了对公民、民主和公民责任的理解.
    • They learn about and develop an appreciation of different 文化, 历史, 宗教, 语言, 和人民.
    • 他们与环境相互作用,并培养了对生物相互联系的认识.
    • 他们与他人进行有意义的对话,批判性地反思不同的经验和观点.
    • 他们通过理解和应对创造条件来促进所有人的公平, 维持, 维持不平等.

    Engagement means Nichols students are prepared - 心, body, 和心灵——追求品格和服务的最高理想,为有目的的生活服务.
  • 发展中

    Development means learning to care for one's own physical, mental, and emotional health. 十大网投网站排行榜的学生接受挑战,塑造个性,培养整体的自我意识. Nichols helps students to develop in the following ways:

    • 他们学会理解促进终身身体、精神和情感健康的行为.
    • 他们培养性格, 弹性, and self-awareness by reflecting meaningfully on their own identities, 文化, 值, 偏见, 和特权, 并为自己的行为负责.
    • They actively pursue and cultivate their own interests, passions, and skills.

    Development means Nichols students will be prepared - body, 心, and heart - to pursue a balanced and healthy life. Carrying into all they do the highest ideals of character and service, they will meet our complex and challenging world with confidence, 弹性, 和共鸣.


Consistent with our core competency of communication is discovering a shared language, a platform on which relationship building stands. 太频繁, 围绕包容展开工作, 社区, 而归属感则是迂回的,因为相同的术语可能有不同的含义,这取决于交流的人. The results can be confusion, misunderstanding and distrust.

To that end, we aspire to grow a common language for our 社区. 建立我们的包容性语言培养了一个环境,我们社区的所有成员都可以参与, 创建, 认为, communicate and develop meaningfully and effectively.



  • 能力建设

    • 专业发展主题:
      • 公平的评分
      • Data-Informed教学
      • 传递和接收反馈
      • 股权文化 
  • 沟通与反馈

    持续和一致的沟通是成功满足所有学生需求的关键. 顾问每周与学生见面,通常是第一个与学生沟通,解决任何学术或行为上的挑战. 团队领导与部门主管定期会面, 教务长, and Social Worker to explore appropriate supports for students. 教师 members communicate concerns with advisors, 父母, and team leaders. 一个定期的交流和反馈循环允许一个格子的支持,确保所有的学生都能成功,也有一种真正的归属感. 
  • 数据促进公平

    我们的校董会, 高级领导, 教职员工 continues to grow their knowledge assessing and using data. 标准化考试, 学生和教师氛围调查, and assessments to measure student growth are utilized to identify gaps, 趋势, 以及需要干预的领域. Continued professional learning is specific to best practices using data.
  • 公平的过程

    我们的校董会, 高级行政, 教师, and 工作人员 strive to use data to inform decision making and problem solving. 具体地说, our 教师 continues to grow in their use of data to improve learning, 表演, 以及所有学生的成果. 数据用于识别和分析机会和成就差距,并为适当的干预措施提供信息. 
    • 示例干预措施:
      • 指导性学习计划
      • 转介前干预策略
      • 学习计划 
  • 多层支持

    针对学生的干预措施是量身定制的,并根据学生的需要逐步更具针对性. 具体的干预措施旨在促进学生的学习和成功的学生成果.
  • 响应领导

    Our multi-disciplinary student support team (SST) works in collaboration with 教师, 工作人员, and administration to implement a system of support that meets the needs of all students.


Meet Our 包容性和社区建设主任

Dr. 雷蒙是亚历山大


Nichols School 多样性, 股本 及共融督导委员会

谢谢老师们, 工作人员, 以及参与我们多元化项目的校友, 股本, 及共融督导委员会.


  • 雷蒙是亚历山大

    包容性和社区建设主任 & 高中历史系
  • 阿曼达Besl

  • 莎拉·雅各布森

  • 克里斯汀凯利

  • 莫妮卡·曼尼,14岁

  • Aranya海上

  • 科里谢尔顿

  • Curt Steinzor

    Technical Director, Flickinger Performing 艺术 Center

