


  • 1892年4月

  • 1892年9月26日

    十大网投网站排行榜在威斯敏斯特教堂主日学教室开放. 秋天晚些时候,学校搬到了诺伍德大道35号的新房子.
  • 1896-1900

    Coordinate programs with the Franklin School.
  • 1907

    William Nichols dies. School suffers enrollment difficulties.
  • 1908

    约翰J. Albright spearheads group to rescue school.
  • 1909

    Amherst campus purchased for $87,500. 奥尔布赖特大厅和旧体育馆(现为新中学大楼)开始建设。. E.B. 绿色,架构师. Joseph Dana Allen is appointed second Headmaster. 他建立了乡村哲学,培养学生的学术、运动和道德成长.
  • 1910年1月11日

    First day of classes on the Amherst campus.
  • 1910

    Verdian first published.
  • 1917

    沃尔特·D. Head appointed third Headmaster. Placed School on solid financial footing.
  • 1918

  • 1919

    Nichols 新闻 established. 第一个室内冰球场是在私人捐赠的4万美元下建成的.
  • 1919-1923

    Dormitory at 290 Woodward Ave houses 6 boys.
  • 1920

  • 1922

    越来越多的学生决定建造新的教学楼. 学校的第一次公共资本运动,由受托人George A. Mitchell, raises $134,000.
  • 1925年4月

    米切尔大厅, housing the Rand 餐厅 Room and the McNutt Library, is opened after three days of celebration.
  • 1925

    瑟斯顿J. Davies appointed the fourth Headmaster. 丰富稳步增长的学生群体的生活:慈善,政府,体育和戏剧. Interstate League begins 玩.
  • 1926

    The Gleaner publishes its first issue. Potter Field acquired.
  • 1929

    Mitchell Gratwick '17 appointed the fifth Headmaster. 在他短暂的任期内,他继续推行早期的倡议. Chapel is built in Albright Hall.
  • 1930

    埃德蒙·P. Cottle room and prize established.
  • 1931

    Henry Gibbs Gilland appointed the sixth Headmaster. Oversees difficult period of the Depression, with falling enrollment, 财务问题, and internal strains.
  • 1932

  • 1937

    菲利普·米.B. Boocock '22 named the seventh Headmaster. Ushers in a period of academic strength, 入学人数上升, 金融稳定, 改善设备, a growing national reputation, and institutional self-confidence.
  • 1938

    Rink is renovated and ice surface lengthened.
  • 1942年4月24日

    Official celebration of the School's fiftieth year.
  • 1947

  • 1957

  • 1959

  • 1963

  • 1964

    Dann Memorial Rink opens. Knox Squash Courts are inaugurated. First minority students admitted.
  • 1969

  • 1970

    学院项目发展委员会(PDC)发布了关于学校和课程的报告. 与布法罗神学院和诺丁汉学院协调项目.
  • 1971

    Work program established. 父母' Council begins as the Mothers' Committee.
  • 1972年1月22日

  • 1973

    Nichols becomes coeducational. “尼科尔斯的新方向”资本运动启动,到1976年,总共有2美元.34 million is achieved. 阿默斯特和诺丁汉校区的翻新工作完成.
  • 1974

    1974届是尼科尔斯学院第一个男女同校的毕业班. Ann Keiffer is hired to 创建 the drama department. The first Nichols Nearly New Sale takes place.
  • 1979

    阿瑟·H. Kiendl appointed ninth Headmaster.
  • 1981

    彼得·W. Cobb appointed tenth Headmaster.
  • 1982

  • 1984

    "Price of Excellence" capital campaign is launched. Over $300万年 is raised, including the E. Howard Roth $100万年 gift. Randwood science classrooms are completed. Eighth grade is moved to the Nottingham campus.
  • 1987

    Student choreography added into the curriculum.
  • 1989

  • 1992

    尼科尔斯百年校庆贯穿整个学年. Athletic Hall of Fame established. Dr. 约翰·塞申斯的62位作者:尼科尔斯学派:一个世纪的传统与变化,1892-1991.
  • 1993

    "Campaign for Excellence" begins with a goal of $6.500万年. Plans for new Performing 艺术 center are unveiled. 教师 Academic Subcommittee begins year-long study.
  • 1994

    理查德·C. Bryan appointed eleventh Headmaster. Campus renovations undertaken.
  • 1995

    Foreign exchange program in Costa Rica began. 格伦和奥德里·弗利金格表演艺术中心破土动工.
  • 1996

    "Campaign for Excellence" finishes at $8.100万年.
  • 1997

    格伦和奥德里·弗里金格表演艺术中心将于2月投入使用. 奥斯丁·福克斯教授成立并授予迪克·斯特拉顿. Technology plan initiated. 董事会进行了关于合并的校园研究.
  • 1998

    尼科尔斯体育名人堂第二次入选仪式. Annual 给 passes $500,000. 校董会在六月投票决定合并两个校区, relocating the 中学 to the Amherst campus.
  • 1999

    Began "One Community" campaign.
  • 2000

    一个社区项目的开创性:巩固校园,并在阿默斯特校区建立新的中学, to increase the endowment, and to provide funds for enhanced technology.
  • 2001

    中学 and Scully Athletic Complex open. Technology Network completed. 尼科尔斯体育名人堂第三次入选仪式. Regan Hall is dedicated.
  • 2002

    Donaldson Hall is dedicated. "One Community" campaign reaches $14 million. 阿尔伯特·萨特教授成立并授予史蒂夫·莫斯科.
  • 2003

    获得联合教会之家财产,增加6.4 acres of adjacent land. Fourth Induction Ceremony for Athletic Hall of Fame.
  • 2004

  • 2005

  • 2007

    New 运动 turf fields are completed. 尼科尔斯体育名人堂第六次入选仪式.
  • 2008

    Roadways and parking renovations are completed. “Nicholsfuture.org" campaign publicly launched. Strauss-Truscott Field is dedicated. 新的数学/科学/技术中心破土动工. 格拉汉姆·史密斯英语教授奖成立并授予拉里·德索泰尔斯.
  • 2010

    1963届科学与数学中心开幕. Exchange with Wuhan, China begins. “Nicholsfuture.org" campaign finishes over goal at $24.300万年. 第七届体育名人堂入会仪式.
  • 2011

    Renovation of Albright and 米切尔大厅s completed, 创建高中美术工作室和新的学生空间. Endowment passes $2500万年.
  • 2012

    Moot Hall is demolished.
  • 2013

    威廉·P. Clough appointed twelfth Head of School.
  • 2014

    Eighth Induction Ceremony for Athletic Hall of Fame. Robotics team added to curriculum.
  • 2015

  • 2018

    Ninth Induction Ceremony for 体育运动 Hall of Fame
  • 2019


    New Student Commons facility opens.
  • 2020

    学生公共大楼是专门为2020届学生而建的, 表彰他们在非常时期的毅力和领导能力.


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