Tuition and Value

Need-Based Financial Aid

Need-Based Financial Aid

在尼克尔斯, our community is a tapestry of religions, genders and cultures, as well as economic situations. 我们寻求一个代表广泛经验的学生群体,我们鼓励学生通过了解他人的背景和兴趣来获得更广阔的视野. 我们的经济援助计划的目标是缩小尼科尔斯大学教育总费用与家庭负担能力之间的差距.

我们鼓励那些担心能否负担得起尼科尔斯大学教育的家庭申请经济援助. 对于我们的高中家庭,也请考虑我们的基于需求的命名奖学金计划. To learn about our online financial aid application, 清晰, our Policy and Guidelines, How to Apply, and our Named Scholarship program, please see below.

List of 4 items.

  • 关于 清晰

    1. Why did Nichols School choose 清晰? 
    我们选择了清晰作为我们的财政援助申请,以便更好地为我们现在和未来的家庭服务. 我们相信,这一变化将使申请经济援助的过程更容易为家庭. 
    1. 清晰如何使我更容易申请经济援助?
    清晰 offers a streamlined, 移动友好的应用程序,可以在短短20分钟内完成. Additionally, if you apply before 12月1日, 2023, 通过直接从IRS转移,清晰无需上传您的2022 W2和1040. 这减少了您需要手动输入的信息量,并使快速有效地完成应用程序成为可能. 
    1. Is my information secure with 清晰?
    尼科尔斯学院非常重视您个人信息的隐私和安全. 清晰通过了GDPR和SOC2认证,并使用企业级安全标准,包括对所有个人身份信息进行端到端加密. For more information, please refer to 清晰’s Privacy Policy
    1. How will this impact my award? 
    Just as in prior years, if your financial circumstances have not changed, you will not see significant changes to your award. 如果您对您的个人情况有任何疑问,请十大网投网站排行榜. 
    1. Will I still need to apply every year?
    是的, you will need to submit a 清晰 application each year in order to qualify for Financial Aid; however, 清晰 retains your information from previous applications, so it will be even easier to reapply.
    1. Can I complete my 清晰 application on my phone or tablet?
    是的! 清晰的应用程序是完全移动友好的,所以无论你在哪里都可以访问. 
    1. What is the Automated Tax Pull Deadline? 
    目前,美国国税局在自动处理税务文件方面遇到了延误. 自动纳税截止日期确保您的税务信息将在尼科尔斯学院的审查过程之前得到验证, so that you do not need to manually upload your 1040’s or W2’s. 
    1. When do I need to apply?
    您必须在2023年12月1日之前提交完整的申请. 如果您在该日期之前申请,您的W2s和1040将自动从国税局提取. 
  • Policies and Guidelines

    As with all independent schools, 尼科尔斯认为,支付私立学校教育的费用主要是家庭的责任. 根据需要提供财政援助,作为家庭捐款的补充. 财政援助委员会寻求证据,证明一个家庭对孩子教育的承诺至少与学校的承诺一样坚定. Decisions are influenced by various factors each year, including the availability of school resources, the number of qualified applicants, and overall budgetary constraints.

  • How to Apply

    To get started, please go to the 清晰 Application and 创建 an account. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. 清晰应用程序也是移动友好的,所以你可以在任何地方完成它. You are also able to save your progress and return at any time. At the end of the application, t在这里 is a $55 fee to submit. 您可以与其他接受清晰申请的学校分享您的申请,而不收取额外费用. 只需使用应用程序中的下拉菜单选择这些学校

    如果您在完成申请过程中需要支持, t在这里 is in-app support available as well as email support at support@claritytuition.com in both English and Spanish. The application itself is also fully translated into Spanish. 


    • 所有回国家庭的经济援助申请必须由 12月1日.
    • 所有新家庭的经济援助申请必须由 12月1日5.
    • 注意:在候选人完成入学申请和经济援助申请之前,尼科尔斯大学不会授予经济援助奖.
      有关我们的财政援助过程的更多信息,请访问我们的 Frequently Asked Questions page on our website.
    • Named Scholarship Program

      冠名奖学金是由校友和朋友建立的基金,以支持我们的经济援助计划. For a complete list of named scholarships, please click 在这里.

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